Lam Ya Kun
About Us
The prevailing education system in our country is inept in providing individuals with adequate tools to bring the most out from oneself. Consequently, thousands of promising individuals fail to recognise their own potential and remain in a socially conditioned hypnosis that there is not much that they can do about themselves or about their career, they perheps are meant to be working for others works that they don't like and live life that they do not enjoy.
Lam Ya Kun Institute is an answer to those limiting beliefs and conditions; it envisions to bring to the community training programs, courses and services based on pragmatic knowledge and modern technologies that will enable individuals to start implimenting plans and ideas immediately after the complition of a particuler training or course given that the individual is willing to make the sacrifices required to achieve previously set goals. Well, are things so simple to achieve? The truth is- yes, it is. The main reason many individuals remain underachiever is not because they are unable to produce good works, it's rather because they lack the proper information about many things and also they are even unaware of their own potential. This knowledge is somehow not prevailing in the society! So the point is, once you know what you are supposed to know, you will be able to do and achieve what ever you are supposed to achieve.